
Spinning is a good trick
Spinning is a good trick

spinning is a good trick

Simultaneously, bend your ring and middle fingers down (make sure they’re still holding the pen!) to avoid interference. Fourth, push your index finger down so it doesn’t block the next flip. This will move the pen to a position where you can catch it in between your middle and ring fingers. Third, push forward with your middle finger and push back with your index finger. Second – and maybe most important – is pushing your ring and pinky fingers down into your palm, so they don’t intercept the pen as you try to spin it. Keep it steady, and make sure the tip is pointing outward (i.e., away from your hand). First, hold the pen between your middle and index fingers. This trick builds on your knowledge from doing Thumb Around earlier, so make sure you’re confident with that before attempting this one. That being said, let’s get back to the tricks. Moving your hand can cause you to lose coordination and it will ruin the trick. Your hand should remain steadfast and strong while the pen is spun. The work being done to spin the pen is in your fingers, or sometimes in your wrist. Make sure to catch it between your middle finger and thumb after it’s done a rotation! Simple, right? Next, push your middle finger forward and let the pen spin completely. Hold the pen between your middle finger and your thumb while getting your index finger out of the way. TRICK #2: THUMB AROUNDĭo this one correctly, and your pen will spin completely around your thumb. After that, lift your thumb and let the pen do a 360 degree spin. Middle finger backwards and your ring finger forward simultaneously. First, place the pen between your ring and middle fingers and hold the end of it with your thumb. The 23-Charge is usually one beginners start out with.

Spinning is a good trick